Our first week, we spent time in the creation story found in Genesis 1 and 2, where God rested from his work on the 7th day of creation, filling the whole earth with his glory, dwelling with and enjoying all that he had made.

We also spent time in the Exodus story, as God rescued the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and commanded them to remember the sabbath, to keep it holy by resting and not working, so they too could dwell with and enjoy God.

Week two, we gathered from our time in the parable of the generous landowner that God is unbelievably generous, that he loves to bring outsiders in, and that our proper response to God’s generous love is gratitude.

Our third week, we paid special attention to the scene between Jesus and a woman of the city, a known sinner. We witnessed her receiving Jesus as her Lord and Savior, as well as Jesus’ reception of her with love and restoration.

Last week, we traced out the theme of biblical hospitality in the parable of the good Samaritan, and imagined ourselves, like that poor beaten half dead fellow, as ones to whom God lavishes his compassionate and merciful hospitality on. This week, we will spend time in another familiar parable, the prodigal son, found in Luke 15. We’ll look at verses 1 and 2, and then 11-32